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2021 Annual Presentation Evening - Friday 26th November - 7pm for 7.30pm

2021 Annual Presentation Evening - Friday 26th November - 7pm for 7.30pm

6 Nov 2021

Following a successful season on the field all Playing and Social male and female Members of Benwell Hill Cricket Club Playing are invited to attend the above Awards Presentation. In a departure from tradition we are not holding a formal Annual Dinner but instead offering a Pie and Pea Supper (with a veggie option). The cost for this including entrance into a raffle is £10.00. The dress code is smart casual.


The format of the evening will retain many of the elements of the Dinner including the Captains Reports and presentation of Player of the Year Awards, Lipper Award etc. Philip Haves will be acting as Master of Ceremonies and we hope to conduct a Q and A with Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer on his return from the T20 World Cup.


Tickets are being prepared and will shortly be available from behind the bar. In the interim a register of `intent to attend` is lodged behind the bar and you can ring the Club or call in to log your name on that.


We hope that the informal slant to the evening will encourage a positive response – there will be ample time to socialise after the Awards have been made.


Any enquiries please contact Simon Lunn on 07791-683827 or email


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