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Benwell Hill Annual Dinner 2019 - Pics and Award Winners

Benwell Hill Annual Dinner 2019 - Pics and Award Winners

13 Nov 2019

On Saturday the Hill lounge hosted its Annual Dinner and Presentation Evening. The night as ever was a great success, an opportunity to catch up with fellow players and members, whilst enjoying excellent food (provided by Shaun Mussett Catering) and great enterntainment from our speakers.


The entertainment started in the form of speeches from various Hill Captains and Coaches, Kyle Coetzer (1st XI), Andy Dawson (2nd XI), Matty Reeves (3rd XI West Tyne) and Barry Pearson (3rd XI NEPL) who covered the season for their respective teams and awarded their player of the year trophies, winners were :


        1st XI - Peter Halliday

        2nd XI - Joe Kilpatrick

        3rd XI - Jeff Mason


This was then followed by speeches from Adam Heather (toasting Benwell Hill), Keith Shaw (toasting cricket and all manner of things) and special guest Lord Mayor David Cook (aka Cookie from Benwell CC) presenting the special awards for the season, winners were :


        Rex Allen Trophy - Peter Halliday

        Liddell Trophy - Chris Pounder

        Walker and Hall Trophy - Benwell Hill 2nd XI

        Charlie Saunders 1st XI Bowling Award - Luke Mussett

        Best Newcomer - Callum Harding

        Lippa Trophy - Joe Kilpatrick

        Hat trick trophies awarded to Haroon Malik, Zain Ullah, Jeff Mason


Here are some of the award winners from the night, for a look at all the photos from the night go to Martin Avery Photography - thanks Martin, clearly the camera does lie, based on the quality of the photos.






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