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Chairman`s Update - April 2019

Chairman`s Update - April 2019

7 Apr 2019

As the season draws near please read on for the latest news from around the Hill.

A shiny new small tractor will be arriving on Friday April 5th as we consign Geoff`s little red dream machine to the ashes of history (or the back of the garage). The Groundsman was actually seen to smile at the thought of acquiring a new piece of equipment which the Committee believes will be extremely useful for many years to come. Some serious thought and research was given to this purchase as it represents a considerable outlay but periodically investing in our stock of machinery is essential if we are to maintain high standards of maintenance on our beautiful ground.

An ECB World Cup grant has been obtained to enable us to buy a new cooker and dishwasher together with a posh toaster. Supporting Pat and Ann and the catering side of the Club is also vital –anyone looking to hold a function please contact Phil Haves who looks after the `House`.

 On the subject of functions, the recent Prosecco afternoon was another roaring success with the best part of £2,000 raised for the Tiny Lives Charity. Mrs Haves and her team played another absolute `blinder`.

To conclude this section on the Club and Ground, my sincere thanks to the many stalwarts who gave up Saturday morning on March 30th to help prepare for the season. Many tasks were completed and the spirit and endeavour shown was really encouraging. Earlier in the week the Universally Challenged Quiz team had tackled the maintenance of Tennis Courts One and Two. More people playing tennis is one of our aims for 2019.

On the Cricket front the Junior and Senior Indoor Season is over and the business end on the field is about to get underway. We have a few changes in the ranks of all our teams but there is a general feeling of optimism that 2019 could be a really memorable year. My best wishes to all the Captains and officials who work so hard to deliver cricket on and off the field. Competing in the North East Premier League is tough but we have the talent and experience to make a really strong fist of it. The most important thing is that we keep the game in perspective and enjoy the `slings and arrows` that will surely come our way.

In terms of the wider Benwell Hill family, members will be saddened to hear of the sudden death of Adam Heather`s mother. Our condolences go out to the Heather family.

Followers of Facebook will have been impressed at the pictures of Shaun Rushton receiving his M.A. in London recently. Now if we can just get him to bowl and hit straight we will be able to launch him as a complete package when he goes off to teach in foreign climes at the end of the summer.

The Aussie boys Max Williamson and Luke Mussett are back from their Gold Coast sojourn and by all accounts have done themselves and BHCC proud. Joe Anderson and Rory Hanley are looking to follow in their footsteps this winter which is a great tribute to the unstinting efforts of Barry Pearson and the Junior Coaching Committee over more years than some of us care to remember.

Many congratulations to  Stewart and Irene Allen who celebrate their Ruby Wedding on April 10.

Readers may recall my previous news letter referred to the tribulations of Messrs President Green and Owner Tom Williamson. I am happy to report that both are in good heart and planning to play in the 3rd Team at Riding Mill. Actually the last bit is stretching it a bit but both are on the up thankfully.

Finally please get in touch if you have any aspects of our Club that you would wish to discuss – we exist on voluntary labour and it is ever a case of `all hands to the pump`.

Onwards and upwards!

Simon Lunn

Chairman : email:   mobile tel: 07791-683827


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