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Chairman`s Update - March 2019

Chairman`s Update - March 2019

8 Mar 2019

First of all, my sincere thanks to all those who took the time to attend the AGM of the Club on February 19th. There was an encouraging turn out and a positive response to the annual plea for Members to fill the various offices of state.

Most positions stayed the same but we have new Vice Captains of the First and Second Teams in Peter Halliday and Joe Kilpatrick respectively. It was pleasing to see some new blood enter the Committee Lists in the shape of Luke Mussett freshly returned from his Aussie Adventure. He will of course be immediately voted onto every sub-committee in order to accelerate his cricket club education.

Club President Norman Green was unable to attend due to ill health but hopes to be back on the Ground for the first League game on April 20th. It has also been a difficult time lately for another of our Club Legends – the one and only Tom Williamson has had to undergo a couple of operations and all Members will wish both stalwarts well in their recoveries.

Larry Dawson outlined the financial position of the Club and was pleased to report reasonably healthy set of accounts. This was despite some unanticipated one-off costs which had caused some consternation through the course of the Financial Year. At the end of Larry`s presentation I discussed some of the areas of the Club`s infrastructure that are going to require attention in the short to medium term. Please contact me as below if you have a particular view.

The recent beautiful weather has seen Geoff Chambers making great progress on the Ground and plans are well afoot to hit the ground running at all levels from April onwards.

Some dates for your diary:-

Saturday March 30 Cricket Force Day

April 6 BHCC Invitation 20 20 featuring guest teams from Egerton CC and Hartlepool  CC

April 13/14 Hill Pre-season games in Edinburgh and at Denton Bank

April 20 NEPL gets underway

April 21(Carried over)2018 Smithson Cup Semi Final v Ashington @ 12.00noon Final v Newcastle @ 3.00pm

To conclude – please keep an eye on for news and tweets – Scott Williamson is doing a great job of rejuvenating that aspect of our Club.

Best wishes to all for a Golden Summer

Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman

Mobile: 07791683827    Email:


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