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Chairman's Update: Christmas 2019

Chairman's Update: Christmas 2019

18 Dec 2019

As the year draws to a close it is a time to bring BHCC members up to speed with some housekeeping matters and to pass on season’s greetings.


My thanks to Phil Haves for organising the retiling of the entrance to the Club – this has been something of a saga as it has been difficult to actually get the work carried out but we are there now and the end product looks good.


In a similar vein Martin Avery and his team have installed new heating in the squash court and managed to defray some of the cost by doing the labouring themselves. I understand the system needs a little tweaking to get it spot on but it is a sight better than nothing especially given the recent Arctic conditions.


Both these tasks have eaten into our capital but our cash reserves are standing up reasonably well and a profitable Christmas will help the situation into 2020. In other words please drink a great deal and have a lovely time!


The roof leakage problem is ongoing and we are seeking three quotations from Contractors before looking to tackle this issue in the Spring. How to fund this essential work will be a challenge for the Board and the General Committee but there is no avoiding this problem so we will just have to bite the bullet in due course.


In the offing is the Annual General Meeting of the Club in early February – watch this space for further information and please come forward if you can offer any assistance in any direction.


Cricket is in the offing – the Indoor Nets will be starting in early February and our six a side team got to the County Final last week before succumbing to strong sides from the Tynemouth and South Northumberland. Our boys in Australia are doing well and the Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer fell just short of another One Day Hundred for Scotland  in Dubai on Friday.


I attended the funeral of Mavis Hounsome last week – Mavis was the widow of former Club President and Hill Legend Tommy and a good friend of our Club. Members will also be saddened to read of the recent death of Michael Mawston who was also a long standing member of BHCC and a funny man who loved his sport. RIP Mick.


On behalf of the Directors and General Committee of BHCC may I wish all members and friends of the Club a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Simon Lunn


Chairman :  mobile: 07791-683827


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