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Chairmans News : February 2024

Chairmans News : February 2024

18 Feb 2024

The Cricket Season is bearing down on us and pre-season preparations are well underway. The next big occasion on the Agenda is the Annual General Meeting of the Club which is to take place on Wednesday February 28th at 7.00pm. Please attend if you possibly can. On the evening as well as carrying out the formal business of electing officers and officials for the year April 1st 2024 to March 31st 2025 there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the current Board Members and General Committee. The Hon Treasurer will also present a Report on the Financial Position of the Club.

Please find below my take on the last year of activity which I hope will provide you with some context to the Annual General Meeting. I trust you will find it a positive read and I look forward to seeing you on the 28th.

Benwell Hill Cricket Club – Information for Members attending the 2024 A.G.M.

My first A.G.M. as Chair for Benwell Hill Cricket Club was in 2017 so unbelievably this Report is my 8th submission to the Membership. Time flies when you are (sometimes) having fun.

Trawling through the minutes of various meetings I was able to come up with the following impressive list of work done and purchases made – these are in no particular order but show the level of activity from March 31 2023 to date:

  1. New netting and steel posts-West Road Wall.
  2. New cooler and fridge in Bar.
  3. Security improvements to the Clubhouse.
  4. Pointing on the West Road Wall.
  5. An additional TV in the Bar plus the installation of Sky Q and purchase of TNT sport.
  6. Various items of Grounds Equipment have been purchased – Lute for Spiking, Roller Spiker and most notably a new Cutter for the outfield.
  7. BHCC Clubhouse Electrical Systems are now fully compliant with current legislation.
  8. The bar has a new sound system.
  9. Improvements to the kitchen.
  10. Extensive Roof Repairs at the rear of the Pavilion.
  11. Repairs to the Gents Toilet in the Bar.
  12. Improvement to the Scoreboard to incorporate D.L.S.

I have probably missed one or two items but by any measure it is a truly impressive effort brought about by the sustained support of all our Members and Sponsors. Developing, financing and managing each of these projects/purchases is the responsibility of the Board and General Committee of the Club. Many hands truly do make light work.


On the Personnel front I am delighted that Mark Charlton of Trilogy Turf will continue to work on the ground backed up by Geoff and John Chambers. NBMS Denton Bank remains in the forefront of North Eastern Cricket Grounds.


Janice Mussett and our exceptional bar and cleaning Staff never fail to go the extra mile in terms of providing a first class service to BHCC Members, Guests and Customers. It is important that these individuals know how much their efforts are appreciated.


On the Cricket Playing front 2023 was a strange year – we reached several cup finals at various levels but fell short on each occasion. Such is life but we hope for a return to the winners enclosure in 2024.


Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer left the Club at the end of 2023 which was a source of both personal and general sadness but I think his decision was generally understood given his changing circumstances and growing family. The Coetzer Era was a successful one on and off the field and he will be a tough act to follow.


For the first time BHCC will have an Indian Cricketer in Yash Kothari as our Overseas Professional and I wish him well in his endeavours. Several Prodigal Sons have returned in 2024 and Pete Halliday will lead a Club where the vast majority of Senior Players will be ex BHCC Juniors.


Hats off to Barry Pearson and the team of Junior Coaches who continue to do a wonderful job of developing our cricket offer.


My thanks must also go to Martin Avery who runs the Squash Section in exemplary fashion. We have in excess of 60 competitive players and two teams that play in the League. This is as healthy a situation as it has ever been.


On a personal note if I am honest I found 2023 a difficult one – the weather was awful, the cricket was somehow troubled but much more importantly the Benwell Hill family lost far too many much loved close friends. However, what sustained me and continues to sustain me are the steadfast and unstinting efforts of the Professional Staff and the many volunteers who spend countless hours making Benwell Hill Cricket Club a great place to be.


My sincere thanks to all concerned.


Simon Lunn


BHCC Chairman   

Tel 0779-683827



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