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Chairmans News : October 2023

Chairmans News : October 2023

19 Oct 2023

My apologies for my recent lack of communication-it is fair to say there has been a lot going on lately at BHCC the key parts of which I will try to sum up as follows.


On the cricket front, Pete Halliday will continue to lead the Club in 2024. Yash Kothari has been recruited from Indian First Class Cricket as Professional. Yash is an opening bat who bowls slow left arm and he will be supported on the Professional front by Callum Harding who will continue to lead the attack.


After eight highly successful years following close consideration of a number of family and professional factors Kyle Coetzer has left the Club to play closer to home. In this year's Annual Cricket Report I will provide a proper appreciation of Kyle but suffice to say he will be a huge miss on and off the field. This was Kyle's second spell at BHCC and perhaps there will be a third act before he hangs up his boots? I certainly hope so.


Another extremely significant signing was Mark Charlton of Trilogy Turf who has agreed to look after the ground for at least the next two years and hopefully beyond. Mark has done a wonderful job over the last two years and has transformed our grounds equipment stock. We recently bit the bullet and purchased a new cutter much to the delight of G and J Chambers who have been battling for years to keep the vintage cutter we previously owned on the road so to speak. You can already see the fruits of the new machinery in the back end work that has been going on recently.


The Squash Section continues to thrive. Martin Avery informs me that 55 players have renewed their membership with 7 others on the hook. Two Hill teams are competing in the League and we continue to punch above our weight.


The Annual Golf Outing at Ponteland was another big success with an overwhelming victory in the A.U.March Trophy for Scott Williamson. The Pairs competition was won by Barry Pearson and Paul Currie. Rampant banditry some might say-but not me.


On the social side there was a great turnout at the first quiz of the year on Tuesday night-Ummagumma were pipped by Universally Challenged and all the teams who took part were in touching distance.


The recent appearance by the Jo James Collective was a big success and Pat and David went viral with their dance routine behind the bar.


Please continue to follow the Hill Website for events in the run up to Christmas. Your support is massively valued.


Finally the Club was struck a grievous blow over the weekend with the terribly sad news that Tom Murphy had died suddenly following a heart attack. Tom was a true gentleman and an absolute stalwart of Benwell Hill Cricket Club. The condolences of all Members of the Club are extended to Veronica, Dionne, Martin and Michael and the entire legendary Murphy family.


The funeral will take place at the West Road Crematorium on Thursday October 26th at 12.30pm followed by a celebration of Tom's life at BHCC. As Tom loved colours the family have requested that colourful ties are worn by the men and colourful scarves by the ladies.


R.I.P. Tom


Simon Lunn



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