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Chairman's update - 10th May 2021

Chairman's update - 10th May 2021

10 May 2021

I am writing on the evening of the Prime Minister`s latest pronouncement on the easing of COVID lockdown. It is great news that BHCC will be able to welcome Members and Guests back into the Club House as of Monday May 17th. Doubtless there will be some regulations to follow but I think we are used to that now so hopefully everything will run smoothly.


I wish to record my thanks to all those hardy souls who have been supporting the bar over the last few weeks – your devotion to the Hill cause was truly fantastic given the mostly freezing temperatures. The Gazebo experiment was somewhat truncated but we have retained the flooring and will look at buying a hardier replacement for events (one that can be put up and taken down easily!)


Our cricket season is off and running and all our Senior and Junior teams have made a decent start. The spirit abroad seems to be first class and attitudes towards availability and practice have thus far been exemplary. Long may it continue.


Equally the Squash fraternity have hit the ground running and we now have 70 Members and court uptake is terrific. I can never thank Martin Avery enough for his efforts in running this vital part of the organisation. When you do go back in the Club please take the time to view the new photos Martin has on display – they show all sides of the Club even if I look slightly overweight on one or two of the shots.


Financially we were delighted to receive a Business Support Grant from the Chancellor and we look on course to weather the Pandemic reasonably well. Again I must record my thanks to the many Sponsors of the Club together with our loyal membership.


After many years of delivering a fantastic service Pat Richards and Ann Frisken have withdrawn from the Funeral Catering business but I am delighted to report that Janice Mussett Catering will be filling the breach as of next week. Pat and Ann are staying involved in the Club (there is, of course, no known escape) but please watch the website for further information as Janice finds her feet.


Finally, we hope to be able to announce the date when the new roof for the Club House will get under way very soon. Once again please keep an eye on the website.


Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman    Mobile: 07791 683827    Email:


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