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Chairman's update - 15 March 2022

Chairman's update - 15 March 2022

15 Mar 2022

Regular followers of the BHCC website will have noticed that our lease with the Northumberland Cricket Board has now been signed and Ian Wardle and his team are now in situ. We look forward to a long and fruitful partnership.


Our new Groundsman Mark Charlton starts in the next few days and is looking forward to getting stuck in. Geoff and John Chambers have been hard at work cutting grass and setting out the square and the ground already looks splendid in the spring sunshine.


What used to be called Cricketforce is now called `Getset Weekend` and we will be staging this on Saturday March 26th from 9.30am to 12noon. Please come along to help us make the place spick and span for the new season. A number of DIY/ painting tasks have been identified by the new Ground Secretary Barry Evans and all are welcome to lend a hand. A coffee and a bacon sandwich go with the deal as well as the ever grateful thanks of the Chairman.


Also on Saturday March 26th Marty Cragg`s Little Band Jam are appearing at the Hill and tickets are selling like hot cakes. Please do not delay if you want tickets which are available from behind the bar.  A Murphy Family led St Patrick`s Day bash is also in the offing as are the last few `winter` quizzes on Tuesdays. It is great to see our Club buzzing with activity and hats off to Phil and Jane Haves for their appeal to support the Ukraine. I know they were thrilled with the response from the Membership.


The cricket season is bearing down on us and Players Subscriptions are now due. The rates are as follows:


Players (21 and over) £105; Players (18-21 or in Full Time Education) £60; Players (Under 18/Female) £55; Cricket and Squash (over 21) £110; Cricket and Squash (18-21 or in Full Time Education) £85; Cricket and Squash (Under 18) £80.


To pay in the old fashioned way please leave a cheque behind the bar payable to Benwell Hill C.C and mark your envelope for the attention of W.J.Smalley, Hon Treasurer or alternatively pay directly to Benwell Hill Cricket Club, Sort Code 30-19-54 Account Number 00362728 Please reference your payment `BHCC Membership 2022` 


On the subject of income I am grateful that Philip Nicholson has once again undertaken to obtain Match Ball Sponsorship for 2022. The cost per game is £25 and if you are able to help please either text Phil on 07778 738434 or email


Innovation is in the air this coming season. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Phill Bell and his company ART Health Solutions First Team NEPL games will be live streamed on You Tube. The plan is to extend this once the kit has been mastered. We should capture some interesting footage for the Annual Presentation!


As ever I will conclude by asking that if anyone has any observations they would wish to make please contact me either by mobile 07791-683827 or by email


Onwards and upwards...

Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman


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