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Chairman's update - 16 November 2020 : Lockdown News

Chairman's update - 16 November 2020 : Lockdown News

16 Nov 2020

A short edition to bring Members up to speed with BHCC issues as we move towards half time in the second National Lockdown.


The Clubhouse is in good order and I am ever grateful to the newly retired Phil Haves for his oversight of the building and its operation. We intend to use lockdown to refurbish the Bar area a task which has been on the `to do` list for some time.


The makeshift roof repairs are working (so far) but keep your fingers crossed for a mild winter....we will definitely need to carry out proper repairs in 2021....thinking caps on for ways to raise money please.


Steve Clark has been busy sprucing up the squash court – many thanks for this voluntary effort. In the same vein Geoff Chambers continues to go beyond the call of duty in ensuring the ground is in good order.


The Board, supported by Barry Evans and Martin Avery, are exploring the possibility of accessing Sport England grant aid to refurbish the tennis pavilion and to develop the two unused tennis courts as a cricket coaching area for Junior Players. This is an ambitious project but the fact that matched funding is not required makes the effort a worthwhile one. Watch this space....


The Hon Treasurer has been working the oracle in terms of managing our finances. The Annual Accounts will be published soon in line with the AGM in January/February but initial projections are positive and our current cash position remains satisfactory. We continue to pursue all possible sources of Government support and remain optomistic we can emerge from the Pandemic in decent shape.


There is little to mention on the cricket front – the Annual Playing report is in the offing and I am grateful to all those who are toiling away to produce some deathless prose.


To conclude the recent vaccine news gives us all a glimpse of the Promised Land and I look forward to better days just round the corner. As ever, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any observations to make, questions to ask or contributions to offer. My contact details remain email: and mobile 07791 683827


Very Best Wishes


Simon Lunn




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