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Chairman's update - 16th January 2021

Chairman's update - 16th January 2021

19 Jan 2021

As we enter the third week of the third lockdown herewith some more news from the Board of Benwell Hill CC.


We continue to meet regularly to keep things ticking – our latest tryst with new technology has been with Microsoft Teams – miraculously we were all able to make this work although it did take Bill Smalley a little time to appear on screen.


Our meetings have four themes – the House and Grounds, Finance, Cricket/Squash and Any Other Business and our main objective is to keep things ticking and to be ready to hit the ground running as soon as the Government says we are allowed to.


The Club House and the Ground are in reasonable shape all things considered – we are so fortunate to have committed individuals who live nearby and are able to keep a wary eye on things. The Roof is holding up although the recent snow caused a minor flood on the landing adjacent to the Umpires Room.


Members who follow the Club on Twitter will be aware that we have launched an Appeal on the Crowdfunding site to help us tackle the major problem we face at the front of the Club House.....please have a read on where the link is


We have set an ambitious target and will be looking at other sources of funding but if we can pull this off we can set our Club up for the generations to come – it is that important in my view. Please help if you can in whatever way.


Our finances are also in a decent state and we are ever grateful for Government assistance to keep us afloat. To all those who have helped in so many ways since the start of the pandemic we can only say a massive thank you.


Cricket has inevitably taken a back seat through the winter but in the background Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer, Club Captain Pete Halliday and co are laying plans for the whole cricket membership – Senior, Female and Junior as we seek to be serious contenders at all levels in 2021. The same goes for Martin Avery on the Squash front.


There are some matters of other business I would wish to draw to the attention of Members. It was extremely sad to learn of the recent deaths of long time Social Member Bill Dawson and dedicated lapper and cricket supporter Davinder Brar. May they both Rest In Peace.


Club Secretary Keith Shaw has written to long time sponsors David Beynon of Dacon Fabrications and Andrew Morgan of Nicholson and Morgan to invite them to become Honorary Members of Benwell Hill CC – a somewhat unique category of Membership currently shared only by former Durham Cricket Captain Will Smith. Recognition of David`s and Andrew` generous support of cricket on Denton Bank seems right and proper....even more so in these difficult times.


I hope this brings you up to date with matters Benwell Hill – as ever please keep in touch via email or mobile 07791-683827. Please, please spread the Crowdfunder link!


Finally, I received a lovely letter from John March yesterday – John is the son of former Chairman Alan March who was one of the great men of Benwell Hill Cricket Club (and Tennis of course). John put things firmly in perspective when it came to describing the hardships of lockdown saying he meets with his sister Jennifer to keep up spirits and `reminding ourselves that even if these bleak days are, well bleak, we at least know it is not 1941 and bobbing about in the North Atlantic as the old man did `... (guarding the Convoys). Quite.


Best wishes to you all.

Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman


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