On the eve of emerging from Lockdown 2 another Newsletter to bring Members up to speed with how the Club is doing through this unprecedented time.
It came as no great surprise to find Newcastle placed in Tier 3 which meant that any forlorn hope we may have had of opening the Bar on even a limited basis was swiftly dashed. The next date to concentrate on is December 16 but it is very hard to see how that will change things as far as we are concerned. All we can do is be patient and follow the Government rules – the positive news about vaccines at least gives us hope.
Squash has permission to be played in household bubbles and individuals can use the court from December 2 to train which is a start is at least. My thanks as ever to Martin Avery for keeping abreast of the ever changing guidance.
We received disappointing news from Sport England today that a Covid Grant Application had been turned down. We were hoping for cash to help us improve the Tennis Pavilion and the two disused tennis courts but despite our best efforts it was not to be. We will return to fight another day – it was an ambitious attempt but the extensive project groundwork will not be wasted.
On the far more positive side we have received a substantial donation from Mr and Mrs Gordon Burlinson to support Junior and Ladies Cricket in 2021. Our President T.S.Williamson received a wonderful letter from Gordon extracts of which I have taken the liberty of quoting below:-
"I very much appreciated my early years at the Hill and how it encouraged boys to enjoy, participate and play cricket. It can lead to lifelong friendships and a life skills package which is a building block for the future. Cricket has given us pleasure, enjoyment and activity."
"My C.V. at age 10 reveals selling scorecards and Waters & Robson lemonade, marking the boundary white lines, working the Scoreboard with another then graduating to scoring. Collecting Mr MacPherson`s tea and hearing his comments! Experiencing the cradle, observing six hits onto Mr Philips or Mr Scott`s greenhouse."
There is obviously no known cure as Gordon still pushes the roller and helps look after the ground at Humshaugh CC. We look forward to seeing the Burlinson`s in 2021 and thanking them in person.
The Benwell Hill family received sad news of the deaths of George Richardson and Don Wheeler both of whom had been Members of the Club for many years. George was well known through his work for the Tennis Club but he was often to be seen watching the cricket. Don had been an active player back in post war era and was a loyal supporter of the Club for over 60 years. Both will be much missed. R.I.P.
I will close on that with my customary plea for Members to get in touch should they wish to via email simon.lunn@live.co.uk and mobile 07791-683827. I also have an Instagram account but I don`t understand how it works.
Simon Lunn
BHCC Chairman