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Chairman's update - 1st March  2021

Chairman's update - 1st March 2021

1 Mar 2021

First of all, a massive thank you to all those who have made a contribution to our Crowd Funder Appeal. With over a week to the deadline after a few trials and tribulations we have comfortably passed our target of £15,000 and we are now well on our way to our secondary stretch target of £20,000. Sport England funding of £4,500 has been duly claimed and we will soon be in a position to have the Club House flat roof at the front replaced AND refurbish the Tennis Pavilion which will provide us with additional changing and meeting space.


The Crowd Funder site for pledges will remain open until March 12 and a number of rewards remain to be claimed. Please pass on the word to anyone who might still wish to offer support.


This Appeal was initially Phil Haves` baby but a host of individuals have rallied behind the initiative both in terms of offering incentives and spreading the word to all sorts of Hill followers old and new. If you have some spare time please read the comments on the Crowd Funder link at CROWD FUNDING COMMENTS – they really are heart warming and show how much Benwell Hill Cricket Club means to so many people.


I have been equally encouraged by a number of members coming forward to offer their services to the Club – be it captaincy of the various teams, serving on the Committee or simply offering voluntary labour. Many hands really do make light work and new blood is essential if we are to thrive post Covid.


Boris`s Roadmap appears to provide hope of cricket in mid April as planned and a reopening of the Bar (at least outdoors) on April 12. In addition we hope to get squash back underway also on April 12 – this aspect of our Club has gone from strength to strength in the last couple of years mainly due to the leadership of Martin Avery and his lieutenants.


Please watch the website and the BHCC twitter account for further news – including news of a Zoom AGM in a few weeks.


In short, there is a great deal of positivity around as the Country comes back to life and nowhere is this better reflected than in the news above. Long may this continue....


Simon Lunn 


mobile: 07797 683827


(Finally, following their inspired appearance on Look North the Director of Cricket and the Chairman will be holding an autograph signing session under the new roof as soon as it is allowed. Please form an orderly queue)


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