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Chairman's update - 21st July  2021

Chairman's update - 21st July 2021

21 Jul 2021

Welcome to the latest news from BHCC following the easing of lockdown on July 19th.


Like most of the rest of the country the Club has not been immune to the vagaries of Covid 19 so we would ask that Members continue to follow the guidelines that have been established and to wear masks when moving around the Clubhouse. Our staff are particularly vulnerable so please follow their instructions to the letter. Hands Face Space is here to stay.


Scaffolding is now in situ and work will be happening to replace the roof for two to three weeks. Disruption should be minimal but it may be that allowances have to be made. It will be worth it to slay the leaking dragon!


Our cricket teams continue to flourish (mostly) and we are challenging on a number of fronts. It was galling to reach the final of the NEPL T-20 and to lose to South Northumberland of all teams but I was proud of our team and of our Club as we pulled out all the stops to stage the event at extremely short notice. Not many Cricket Clubs could have done that in that time frame.


The season continues to fly by and as we reach the so called `business end` we remain in the hunt to have a really memorable year. Player availability will be key as will that little bit of luck that is required in all sports. I wish Pete, Matty, David and their teams well as they fight the good fight.


On the Junior front our Under 15`s have had an excellent season thus far qualifying for the National Cup and losing to a strong Durham City side by only four runs last Sunday. Coach Barry Pearson has a squad full of promising players and we are well placed to have further tilts at this Trophy as there are a number of younger players who can play in 2022 and 2023!. Haydon Mustard leads the side and is fighting hard for recognition in terms of England U15. We wish him well.


Our other Junior Sides are also flourishing and the All Stars Programme has been a huge success so far. As we move into the Summer Holidays there are a number of camps on the Ground and opportunities for just about everyone.


BHCC Ladies are enjoying their cricket and Ty Buckley has been busy recruiting new players to bolster their numbers whilst the healthy number of All Star girls augers well for the future. Equally encouraging, Laura Pearson has been playing in the West Tyne League and in Pounders Marauders on a Thursday evening and is one serious player.


Elsewhere Squash continues to thrive and it has been brilliant to see some tennis breaking out at the foot of the ground. The hard work of Barry Evans and Geoff Chambers has made that area look a whole lot better and the facility is there for all to use. It may not be the Centre Court at Wimbledon but there is fun to be had and the game is the same.


Life in the Benwell Hill Bubble goes on – Fenwick Marley has retired from his day job and has been inducted into the Last of the Summer Wine Cast that meet at 10.30am most days to plague Geoff and put the world to rights. All were saddened by the recent deaths of Kathryn Chambers Mum and some giants of the local cricket world notably George Gilroy and Bill Graham RIP all.


To end on a cautionary note I received word from Gordon Hollins that Chris Craven has been on oxygen in a Cape town hospital for two weeks. Our first ever Overseas Pro in the 1990`s Chris was as hard as nails so if the demon can get him it can get anyone. He appears to be out of the woods but it has been a worrying time for his wife and family.


More news to follow in a week or two. Stay safe everyone.


Simon Lunn

Mobile 07791 683827



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