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Chairman's update - 26 March 2023

Chairman's update - 26 March 2023

26 Mar 2023

As we move towards the clocks springing forward this weekend a note to bring Members up to speed with BHCC Club matters.


First of all the best wishes of everyone will be extended to BHCC Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer who has decided to bring the curtain down on his immensely successful Scotland International Cricket career. Kyle has taken up a coaching post with the Northern Diamonds the current champions of the women`s professional game – an important step into the Coaching world. However, it is great news that Kyle will continue to fulfil his commitments on and off the field with the Hill in 2023 and hopefully beyond. As he said in a recent message to our Players he has an unfulfilled ambition to win the North East Premier League and believes we have the potential to reach this goal before too long.


The season proper starts on April 15th when three jumpers will be the order of the day. One day someone on the NEPL Management Committee will agree with me that the season should start and finish later but for the time being we are stuck with the status quo.


Anyone who has some time to help us get the ground shipshape is cordially invited to join us from 9.30am to 12.00noon on Saturday April 1 (yes really!) for what the ECB now call GET READY day. No great technical skills are required as we paint the benches and tidy the fringes of the ground – the fee is a wonderful Bacon Sandwich as prepared by Gillian and Gordon Haxon....or a Veggie type alternative. ROLL UP ROLL UP.


To general Club matters our finances remain sound and we continue to invest in our facilities. Mark Charlton and John Chambers have been battling the elements to replace the West Road Poles and Netting and various bits of Grounds machinery have been serviced to get us through another year. Phil Haves has been leading on ensuring that our electrics are fully compliant and we hope to have finally stopped the leaks in the Gents Toilets (so to speak).


The Squash section continue to thrive due in no small measure to Martin`s leadership whilst it was good to witness the Darts Team in winning action this evening.


On the stocks we will be having a Bench Dedication event at an appropriate junction in the Season – we have five new Commemorative Benches to watch cricket on this year and President Williamson has been working with a number of BHCC families to bring this about. Watch this space.


Speaking of `watch this space` there are various other events on the horizon – not least the Coronation- and as the winter quizzes finish this Tuesday it would be remiss of me not to thank all the Question Masters and our loyal quizzers for supporting this endeavour through the bleak winter months.


I will close there as Joe Moore tells me I always go on too long. Here is to a wonderful summer on and off the field. Please help in any way you possibly can and of course please contact me as below if you see fit!


Simon Lunn (BHCC Chairman)

Mobile 07791-683827


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