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Chairman's update - 3 November 2021

Chairman's update - 3 November 2021

6 Nov 2021

As the nights draw in the Cricket Awards season is upon us. Elsewhere on the website you will find information on the Club`s Annual `do` which will take place on Friday November 26th starting at 7.30pm. We have a good story to tell this year so I hope as many Members of the Club will come along as possible.


Partly in response to Covid and partly due to feedback that the old style Dinner was somewhat formal we have elected to try a Pie and Pea supper this year. The Captains will still report on their seasons and Philip Haves will continue to act as MC whilst we will also prevail  upon Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer to give us the inside line on his experiences of the T20 World Cup. It will hopefully be a fun night with ample time for socialising.


Please register your intention to attend by signing on the list behind the Bar. The cost per ticket is £10 including entrance into a raffle.


The week before on November 19th the NEPL is holding its Annual Dinner. The Club have taken two tables to celebrate the 2nd Team Triumph and a number of our players and the Groundsman are up for individual Awards. Here`s hoping!


There have been a number of internal discussions recently about how the Club should operate as we move into the post Covid era. The interaction between the Board, the General Committee and its various sub committees has been discussed at some length all with a view to making sure the Club runs as smoothly as possible. The Hon Secretary has produced a paper that sets out how we might operate in the future and this will be put to the General Membership at the AGM in the New Year. In truth our Club is massively lucky in the large number of individuals who give freely of their time to make Benwell Hill CC a special organisation and long may that continue.


As we move back to more normal times it is great to see the impact that Janice Mussett is making on the ever vital Wake business as well as on other aspects of the Club. In Geoff, Janice, Margaret, Pat, David, Lesley, Gladys and co we are incredibly lucky to have such dedicated professional staff.


Our finances remain reasonably buoyant but the Board and General Committee are ever mindful of the major items of capital expenditure that are on the horizon. For example, there will be additional roofing work to be done before too long above the squash court and office and sooner or later we will have to do more than put sticking plasters on the Car Park. C`est la vie.


In completing this newsletter I promised the Murphy family I would make special mention of the Dionne/Kev Illingworth Silver Wedding celebration a couple of weeks ago. Our Club can never have enough Murphy do`s – thank you for your continued support. Thank you also to all our Social Members who play such a part in the BHCC family.


Last but not late the Club was full on Monday night as we staged the Junior Presentation night. It was a special night brilliantly organised by Barry Pearson and it was great to see Club Legends Hounsome, Evans and Hamilton suitably remembered. We have some excellent young players in our ranks and the future is extremely bright.


As ever – any comments or suggestions please get in touch – my mobile is 07791 -683827 and my email address is


Best wishes to all BHCC Members


Simon Lunn



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