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Chairman's update - 30 September 2022

Chairman's update - 30 September 2022

3 Oct 2022

The 2022 Cricket Season drew to a close with an amazing game of 2020 cricket at Tynemouth. Playing in the County U19 Cup Final a young Benwell Hill team were dead and buried when 14 year old Warren Poxon was thrown the ball with 4 overs to go. Warren had not had the best of games up to that point but he proceeded to take 5 wickets for 3 runs in 7 balls to win the game. In my several  years of playing and watching the game I am not sure I have ever seen a more remarkable turnaround. Well done boys!


It has been a challenging season on and off the field but thoughts have already turned to the future. Three sub-committees have been formed covering Finance, Cricket/Ground and House/Social and initial meetings have been held to begin to formulate an overall management plan. If you wish to make a contribution to this exercise please do not hesitate to make your views known to one of the usual  suspects. The General Committee is due to meet on Tuesday October 18th at 7.15pm.


On Tuesday October 10th the Junior Presentation will take place followed later in the year by a Senior Presentation. The weekly Quiz gets underway on Tuesday  October 4th at 8.00pm – these are fun informal events to which new teams/participants are always welcome. My thanks to my fellow Paxmans who give up their time to compile the questions.


The Squash Season is underway with the team competing in the Premier Division for the first time whilst the Darts team also hit the oche in a week or two.


Finally, I will finish this missive with a quotation from a lady who had been at a recent wake at BHCC:


"I just wanted to say what a beautifully kept club it is. The ladies working that day were so friendly, welcoming and warm and the food was delicious too."


How good is that? Top marks to Janice, Pat, Margaret, Gladys et al!


Simon Lunn

Mobile 07791-683827


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