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Chairman's update - 3rd August  2021

Chairman's update - 3rd August 2021

3 Aug 2021

As we gallop along to the final third of the season a short missive to alert BHCC Members to one or two matters of importance:


Please be aware of changes that are being introduced to how the bar operates-hopefully we will be back to normal soon but it is crucial that people remain patient and respect other people`s space. I know a number of people are wary of being indoors with other people and we will do our best to keep things moving and well ventilated. Our staff have been tremendous since the start of the Pandemic and I thank them for their contribution.


The BHCC Committee is due to meet next week for the first time for ages and if you have anything at all you wish to bring up please contact me as below. The Board do not have a monopoly on good ideas and all contributions are welcome.


All Members are asked to follow the rules re dogs being kept on leads whenever cricket activities are taking place on the ground. Failure to observe this may lead to the total ban that used to exist once upon a time.


It has been a slow start on the roof refurbishment but we have been assured that progress will be made next week. We are doing our best to chivvy the Contractors along but there is only so much that we can do. Again please be patient.


The Club is grateful to a past member of the Squash Club Anthony Marshall (of A & G Marshall –Opticians in Cramlington) who has donated some kitchen units which will come in extremely handy in terms of our DIY Tennis Pavilion project which is ongoing. A couple of showers in there and we will have a very comfortable facility at relatively little cost.


On the Cricket front it was wonderful to see a large crowd on Sunday at the Tyneside Charity Bowl Final where we narrowly overcame a spirited Morpeth team containing a couple of Hill Old Boys in David Rutherford and Johnny Craigs. Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer played a sensational innings that was watchful at the start and brutal at the end. Congratulations to all concerned on winning North East Cricket`s oldest Trophy.


Congratulations are also due to Joe Anderson who for the second time in a matter of weeks topped 150 playing in the West Tyne League. A considerable feat.


We are moving into the business end of the season and have it all to play for in all our teams. We were severely depleted in terms of the First Team on Sunday for a variety of reasons and yet still managed to turn out two Third Teams on the same day. This is quite something and augers well for our future.


After Sunday I received a charming email from Tony Pearson who joined the Club in 1947. Tony remembers President Williamson from 70 years ago as a cheeky boy (unbelievably) and has presented the Club with his old blazer and cap which Tom was good enough to model on Sunday (see main photo). A snug fit but smart as a carrot.


Enough for now – stay well everyone –keep drinking a lot and enjoy the remainder of the Summer. Better days well are on their way.


Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman

Mobile 07791 683827



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