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Chairman's update - 3rd May 2023

Chairman's update - 3rd May 2023

4 May 2023

It was great to see the cricket field shiver back into life last week – our dedicated Ground Staff could not have worked harder to make this happen and the place certainly looks a picture. The initial programme of League fixtures saw an excellent win for the First X1 the highlight of which was a magnificent hundred from Luke Doneathy. Evasio MacMillan our English Australian has made a strong early impact on and off the field not least as a lucky visitor to St James Park where he saw five goals fly past Spurs in the first twenty minutes.


The Second and Third teams fared less well – I went to Humshaugh for a couple of hours to see a battling performance by a young team. The facilities are excellent there and the ground is well worth a visit – hopefully on a warmer day. Humshaugh CC could not have been more accommodating. Junior Coaching on Tuesday evenings is up and running and the attendances have been excellent thus far. We will definitely be competitive at all levels.


ELF AND SAFETY ALERT! Now that cricket is breaking out I would ask that parents be aware that cricket balls can cause serious damage (I know... I have been hit on the head at least three times which probably explains a lot). Please make sure your children listen to any shouts of warning in your vicinity and keep toddlers close to hand when games or cricket activity is underway.


Members are also asked to read the excellent Squash Report that Phil White has produced following a season in the Premier League. The experience has been tough but enjoyable and it is clear our Squash Section punches well above its weight. Martin Avery does a wonderful job of keeping that aspect of our Club on track and he deserves a huge vote of thanks.


As I often report there is always a project ongoing at BHCC. Next on the stocks is to start the job of pointing the West Road wall – not the most glamorous or obvious of tasks but vital nevertheless. My thanks to Barry Evans, Bill Smalley and Phil Haves for leading on this. Later in the year the rest of the Netting will be replaced once our cash flow allows.


Speaking of cash flow the Club is in pretty good health but there is never any room for complacency and your support is ever valued. Even £25 towards Match Ball Sponsorship makes a difference and it has been great to see Phil Nicholson continue to promote this....he is open for business on email:


If you have any suggestions on the future direction of BHCC or wish to get involved in any capacity please do not hesitate to get in touch – mobile 07791-683827, email


God save the King!!

Simon Lunn


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