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Chairman's update - 5 April 2022

Chairman's update - 5 April 2022

5 Apr 2022

The Club was stunned by the recent sudden death of Philip Dunsford and whilst the funeral was a stunning tribute to a unique member of the Benwell Hill family it will take some time to get used to the reality of the situation. R.I.P. Pud.


Thursday March 31st was a significant day for the Club in that Geoff Chambers retired from his position as Full Time Groundsman after 17 years of loyal and dedicated service. Geoff is not completely retiring from the front line as he will continue to cut the outfield and assist with the operation of the Bar. I know I speak for all the BHCC Members in wishing Geoff all the very best as he moves into the next phase of his life.


I am grateful to all those who gave up their time on March 26th to help get the Ground ready for the season. The place looked a picture on a beautiful day and the famous Gillian Haxon Bacon Sandwiches made all the effort worthwhile. After conducting a straw poll the two newly painted lurid blood red benches have been deemed a failure and normal maroon service will be restored in the next few days.


The League season gets underway on April 15th and I wish all our sides well in what should be an exciting season. We are still looking for volunteers to assist in staging cricket matches through the summer – this could be as simple as helping push the light roller between innings – and Scorers are always much sought after. Scoring for one of our Senior Teams is a paid (and extremely vital) role and bright Juniors have always worked out it is a lucrative sideline given the amount of cricket that is played throughout the season.


Training will be provided and if anyone is interested please get in touch with me on 07791 683827 or email


Please continue to follow the BHCC website as we seek to improve our communications with all our Members. I will produce these Newsletters every two or three weeks but we are always looking for new contributions. Scott Williamson is the man who holds the website reins – his email is and he will be delighted to hear from you.




Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman


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