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Chairman's update - 5 December 2021

Chairman's update - 5 December 2021

5 Dec 2021

Time continues to fly and Christmas is almost upon us. My thanks to all those who are involved in organising Festive entertainment for BHCC Members – your efforts are very much appreciated.


The important news to convey to the Club is that after many years of sterling service Geoff Chambers has decided  to retire from the Groundsman`s role as of March 31st 2022. Geoff has been an absolutely fantastic employee and a massive help to me but the really good news is that he is not disappearing from the picture completely – he will help with the transition to new arrangements for looking after the Ground and will continue with some of the voluntary duties within the Club House that he has been involved with for the best part of fifty years. If there is anyone who reads this communication who would like to discuss the Groundsman`s role please contact me as below.


My thanks goes to all those hardy souls who braved Storm Arwen last week and attended the Annual Cricket Presentation. Congratulations to the various Trophy winners and thanks to Janice Mussett for the excellent catering. The pies were absolutely tip top. How we move forward on this front is a matter for discussion – Dinner v Less Formal – if anyone has firm views please contact me or one of my colleagues on the Board/General Committee.


Work is continuing on the Pavilion and we are hope to complete and announce a formal arrangement with the Northumberland Cricket Board early in the New Year. These are exciting times for BHCC as we seek to retain our status as a leading cricket club in the North East and a popular social setting in the West End of the City.


I will keep this short and sweet (unlike my speeches judging by the stick I have been receiving) and conclude by wishing everybody Merry Christmas and an absolutely fabulous New Year.


Simon Lunn - BHCC Chairman

mobile number : 07791-683827

email :


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