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Chairman's update - CORONA VIRUS update #3

Chairman's update - CORONA VIRUS update #3

3 May 2020

A note to bring members up to date in the light of the lockdown:-


1. The Clubhouse is safe and secure and being checked on a regular basis.


2. The Ground looks immaculate and Geoff Chambers is ensuring that when this ends we will be ready to get cracking as soon as possible. John Chambers is providing invaluable voluntary assistance with further support coming from Ian Munro.


3. The finances of the Club are reasonably healthy for the time being. A Government Business Support grant of £10,000 has been secured which will help to make ends meet in the short and medium term.


4. Financial support has also been secured from a number of our Board Sponsors the latest one being Classic Masonry. Several additional players have paid their 2020 Membership Fees which is a fantastic gesture given the current circumstances. My personal thanks to all concerned.


5. The Covid Cup is a welcome initiative from Peter Jones and he deserves top marks. Won one, lost one is a shade disappointing but no doubt the 3rd Team will redress the balance this weekend.


6. The Board continue to meet on a weekly basis via WhatsApp. If you have any suggestions or questions please get in touch as below.


7. You will all be aware that the Professional game will not get underway until at least July 1st. Benwell Hill CC will be guided by the Governing body and the Government about when the recreational game can start. The situation is fast moving but all we can do at the moment is hope for the best.


8. When we do get up and running the top priority will be to replace the Club House roof – a once in a generation project that will stretch our resources and require a real team effort. Please start to think about how we might raise additional money – no idea too whacky!


On behalf of the President, Board and General Committee I hope you and your families are coping well and that it will not be long before the Benwell Hill family can reconvene on a lovely Summer`s day.


Simon Lunn



email:  mobile: 07791 683827


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