As we move towards the third month of lockdown and the sun continues to shine it is hard not to feel a little down about the enforced lack of activity at Benwell Hill CC. Perspective comes, of course, every time a siren wails as yet another ambulance makes its way up the West Road.
Thankfully that sound is diminishing-at least for the time being- and we can start to think about how to relaunch the Club when the time comes. The BHCC Board continue to meet via WhatsApp each Friday morning – the agenda is made up of the House, Finance, Operational Issues and Any Other Business. If there is anything you would wish to add or to offer please do not hesitate to contact me as below.
Cricket members will be aware the recent slight easing of the lockdown allows for 1:1 cricket net practise – this brought forward an extremely stringent set of operational guidelines from the Governing Body, the ECB. I have discussed these with the Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer and Welfare Officer Barry Pearson and for the time being for operational reasons we have decided NOT to open these facilities to Members. We will review this on a weekly basis and have started to ready the ground to be in a position to allow Nets to run on a 1:1 basis for current playing members in early June when the Government intends to move into the next phase of loosening the shackles. PLEASE be patient on this score.
I walked round the ground yesterday (Sunday) and was delighted to see some of our elderly neighbours doing some laps of the ground and also to see two ladies throwing a Frisbee around (one was Robbie Sarginson`s sister!). Informal recreation of this type is to be welcomed at this strange time but please use common sense and adhere to the social distancing guidelines. Geoff will still shout at anyone who gets near the square as he needs to keep his lungs in tune in case cricket does break out in July/August/September. Birds pecking at the outfield are a current cause of intense Groundsman irritation so please feel free to move them on!
The Board have been pondering the possibility of opening the Bar on a limited basis when permission is granted to do so. Some sort of beer garden may be the way forward but we will simply have `to see what King reigns` as my Granny used to say. The same goes for the reopening of the Squash Court and the salvaging of some sort of cricket season.
To conclude on some positive notes we remain financially viable and we are well placed to move forward as soon as practically possible. My thanks- as ever- to all those many Members who are helping to keep the Club going at this difficult time.
Very Best Wishes to you and your families.
Simon Lunn - Chairman
Mobile: 07791 683827 Email: