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Chairman's update - CORONAVIRUS update

Chairman's update - CORONAVIRUS update

23 Mar 2020

A short message to bring Members up to date with actions that have been taken by the Board of BHCC in the light of the current crisis:


The Club House was closed on Friday evening until further notice in line with Government Advice. The squash court was closed on Sunday evening in line with the advice of Squash England. There will be no cricket on the ground of any kind until such time as the advice of Government and the Governing Body allows.


All staff have been informed of the above and of interim payment arrangements – they are so important to us both now and in the future and the Club will do our best to support them in these difficult times.


The Board (Messrs Lunn, Shaw, Dawson L, Dyson, Haves plus Smalley and Coetzer ex officio) are meeting via WhatsApp –yes these are truly strange times -and will consult on a regular basis as we monitor and do our utmost to manage the situation.


As of today, BHCC is in reasonable shape financially but once this is over we will need to borrow to replace the roof and with no income coming in it will not take too long before our reserves are severely depleted. Our fixed costs remain although obviously we are looking all possible ways of reducing these. We will clearly also be endeavouring to seek Government support.


In this light, many players settle their Membership Subscription at this time of the year and if you are able to do so this would be a huge help. The Board completely understand that personal circumstances may preclude this but please pay if you possibly can.  Please contact messrs Dawson or Haves  by email as follows re sums due and payment methods:


The immediate future is uncertain and not a little frightening but we will get through it and it will not be long before the Benwell Hill family reconvenes. When we do there will be an epic party that is for sure.


Simon Lunn


Chairman BHCC       email:


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