The Club bid farewell to Stewart Allen on Monday January 17 – it was fitting that so many were able to attend even in these difficult times. It was also great that Irene was well enough to attend the funeral after her recent operation and we all wish her well as she strives to recover her health.
Many of our Members have been struck down by Covid in recent weeks but it would appear that the worst may be over and we can look forward to better times in 2022. It has been a struggle to stay upbeat but I have heard many tales of human kindness within the Benwell Hill family when individuals have had to self isolate.
One of the Covid victims was Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer who on recovering then needed an emergency appendectomy. He reports that he is somewhat tender but is optimistic he will be able to bowl even faster this coming season.
On the Cricket front Senior Indoor Nets are due to get underway on February 2 at the Royal Grammar School. We have delayed the Junior Nets till after half term when we hope to return to St Cuthbert`s High School. Please consult the Club website and twitter account for further information.
To other news we are making progress with the Herculean task of replacing Geoff Chambers as Groundsman and we are also making some headway with finding alternative grounds to stage Third Team cricket in the West Tyne League. I should have more news very soon.
On an equally positive front the extensive work done to transform the Tennis Pavilion into an office for the Northumberland Cricket Board is almost complete. Using this building constructively will provide BHCC with some much needed income which we intend to re-invest in our infrastructure. Again, more news to follow.
On the financial front we hope to emerge from the Pandemic on an even keel and as ever I must thank all our Members –Cricket, Squash, Social – for their steadfast support. I also thank all those many individuals who give so freely of their time to keep the Club moving forward.
The AGM is imminent but as ever if you have anything you would wish to raise please contact me by email or by mobile 07791 683827.
Happy New Year!
Simon Lunn
Chairman BHCC