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Chairman's update : July Newsletter

Chairman's update : July Newsletter

8 Jul 2020

As we emerge blinking into the post Lockdown world a short digest of news and views to try to keep members abreast of matters BHCC.


1. The House – my thanks to all those who have brought about the partial reopening of the Club House. It has truly been a team effort led by Phil Haves and a host of volunteers and our remarkable bar staff. The opening last Saturday showed our Club in its best light and it was great to witness the support first time. I celebrated with my first alcoholic drink since Boris placed all under house address. Perhaps the best bit was looking out on the field at an impromptu game of cricket that some boys had organised on the outfield. A timeless image.


2. Finance – we remain in reasonable shape but as we move forward and our paid staff come off furlough the months are sure to be a challenge. Any support you can offer would be much appreciated –can you recruit some new patrons/vice presidents/playing members. Have you paid your subscription for 2019-2020? – the respective charges (to September 30 2020) are £10, £150 and £30. Those players that have paid up fully will receive a pro rata discount for 2020-2021. It is intended to run the Match Ball Sponsorship Scheme again – further details to follow.


3. Ground – Geoff Chambers has done a tremendous job of maintaining the field with the support of John Chambers and Ian Munro amongst others. The President has painted all the Benches and Members will be in awe of the remarkable photograph of our Leader that Martin Avery has produced for the Club House hallway. We may consider at statue at some point.....


4. Cricket – it would appear that this is imminent. The NEPL have a road map set out that offers some competitive cricket at 1st, 2nd and 3rd Team Level and the Northumberland Cricket Board intend to organise some Junior Cricket. As above please watch this space.


It was sad to hear of the death of John Walder who has been a long standing supporter and friend of Benwell Hill CC. He would have loved to have watched his Grandchildren follow in the sporting footsteps of James, David and Charles but sadly it is not to be. R.I.P.


Three of our long standing bar staff have decided to hang up their aprons – Chris Taylor, Louise Bennett and Catherine Cockburn have been loyal members of the Benwell Hill Family and we wish them well in all their future endeavours. Catherine has offered to fulfil the odd shift to help out which is great news for the Tuesday Winter Quiz teams!


As ever – please get in touch via 07791-683827 or by email if you have any points you wish to make or support to offer.


Simon Lunn

BHCC Chairman


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