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Chairman's update : July Newsletter #2

Chairman's update : July Newsletter #2

21 Jul 2020

First of all I must thank all the Members and Staff of Benwell Hill CC for their cooperation in bringing the Club back to life over the last fortnight or so. It has been hugely heartening to witness at least a semblance of normality after what has been the strangest of times.  Long may it continue....


Members will note we are revising BHCC opening hours as we go along on the basis of perceived demand and as we become slightly more confident in the post Lockdown arrangements. Your support and understanding in this is much appreciated. I am delighted to announce that the playing of Squash is permitted from this Saturday and I thank Martin Avery and his team for their patience and hard work to make the facility Covid compliant. I am equally delighted to announce that Pat and Ann will be back in the Wakes business as of next week – these income streams are vital to the Club but just as important are the services that are provided in the West End of the City and to the BHCC family in particular.


On this note Cricket is finally breaking out and the competitive side of the game begins this weekend for the First Team. Please support all our cricket teams – it was great to see a decent number watching the 3rds beat Mitford last Sunday in the West Tyne League. Fixtures are posted on the Website and my thanks to Fenwick Marley for his juggling skills in arranging games at various levels at the drop of a hat. Geoff Chambers is also to be thanked for creating some excellent wickets in weather that has not always been ideal the closer we got to being allowed to play.


I am delighted to announce that Pete Halliday will Captain the Club for the remainder of 2020 to give Kyle Coetzer the opportunity to concentrate on his other duties as Director of Cricket This is also to take Pete`s mind off the fact that he is currently not allowed to play on the One Armed Bandit – he has formed a support group with Archie and the Treasurer.


Live Music returns to the Club on Sunday August 2nd with an open air concert performed by the Emerald Thieves. Please support this event and any others that we can dream up to put the Club back on an even keel – all details will appear on the website and on the new Benwell Hill App that is currently in its final designer stages – like the COVID vaccine hopefully.


Enough for now folks – until we can resume General Committee meetings for the time being the Board of BHCC are meeting on a weekly basis on Friday mornings – we do not have a monopoly on good ideas and would welcome your constructive thoughts on any and all aspects of BHCC life. The Magnificent Seven who meet are Phil Haves, Keith Shaw, Bill Smalley, Hugh Dyson, Larry Dawson, Kyle Coetzer and me. Please speak up.


My contact details are email:

Mobile 07791 683827


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