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Chairman's Update: June 2019

Chairman's Update: June 2019

24 Jun 2019

Welcome to my latest round up of events at Benwell Hill CC – on and off the field.

Off the field things took a dramatic turn this week when a small fire broke out in the cellar behind the bar. Fortunately no major damage was incurred nor was anybody hurt but we will be reviewing our safety procedures and drills and seeking advice from the professionals to see how we can reduce the risk of it happening again. My thanks to all those who helped to deal with the crisis and ensure that business was resumed more or less straight away.

Elsewhere the kitchen has been revamped following a successful grant application to the ECB and again my thanks go to all who have been involved in this project.

`What next` is a constant theme at BHCC and the General Committee are in the process of wrestling with establishing our priorities for developing the Club in the short, medium and long term. If you have a view please contact me as below.

On the field the new tractor is proving its worth and the square recently got an excellent report from the Pitch Inspector for the Northumberland Cricket Board. Geoff Chambers has been battling the elements for virtually all of June and his efforts are much to be commended.

The `lappers` of the Ground will have noticed the new Net cage which was purchased with the help of our main sponsor David Beynon of Dacon Fabrications. At the same time we had the wheels changed on the old Cage so we now have a highly flexible Practice facility which was dear to the heart of Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer. We are extremely grateful for Dacon`s support over the last four summers and hope to build on our relationship in the future.

Junior Cricket has been extremely positive thus far – some excellent results and fantastic turn outs on Tuesday Practice evenings. Barry Pearson leads from the front in so many ways and his superannuated supporting coaches like `Old Man River` keep on rolling along. Again my thanks to all concerned. That effort is so worthwhile when some of the less vaunted young players make big contributions – step forward Bradley Wilson and Joe Simmons in the Under 15`s.

To the senior teams June has been so frustrating as the month has almost been a wash out. Someone somewhere must have run over a black cat but our fortunes will like the weather will change and with 13 League Games to play everything is up for grabs. My impression is that spirits our high within all our teams and Benwell Hill remains a great place to play cricket, squash and tennis.....and darts come to think of it.

Some final thoughts – the Club has been missing our President Norman Green this year due to ill health but rest assured he is following everything from Darras Hall – we all wish him well. It was sad to learn of the recent deaths of possibly our oldest member Bill Robinson and that of former Professional Michael Younger`s Dad John. Both spent many happy hours on our ground.

Last but not least the Club was thrilled to learn that Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer had been awarded an MBE in the Queen`s Birthday Honours. Richly deserved and a tribute to Kyle`s commitment, integrity and hard work.

Hasta July!

Simon Lunn

Chairman BHCC      email:    mobile:07791 683827


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