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Chairman's Update: November 2019

Chairman's Update: November 2019

19 Nov 2019

The cold and wet weather that we have been enduring over the last few weeks has this writer looking longingly ahead to next summer when the sun will shine from morning till night and Geoff will be smiling as the covers stay firmly put outside the boundary. Well you can always dream....


My thanks go to Scott Williamson for updating the website with news of the Annual Presentation Dinner and the Junior Presentation Night. Both events went extremely well and showed the Club at its absolute best. There are too many people to thank individually for helping to stage the events but please be assured that your efforts are hugely appreciated. I am interested in constructive feedback (especially on the Dinner) so please contact me as below.


The weekend of November 9-11 was especially busy as there was the little matter of Jane Haves 50th Birthday Party. The substantial bar take is just one indication that a good time was had by all and those present at the latter part of the evening had a narrow escape as Jane was particularly keen that the Chairman and Tom Murphy should unite in a karaoke rendition of `The Wonder of You.` One for another day perhaps?


Successful nights on the bar are especially welcome just now – we need to immediately finance work to restore heating in the squash court and whilst Martin Avery and his ever loyal team are providing much of the labour it is still a hit we were not expecting. In the same vein it is obvious that some major surgery is required on the Club House roof which is certain to be at significant cost.


With this in mind if you can assist in any way e.g. by recruiting additional members, by holding functions in the bar, by drinking excessively etc etc that would be really helpful.


On the cricket front our boys in Australia and South Africa seem to be doing well and congratulations to Kyle Coetzer on leading Scotland through the World Cup 20 20 qualification and onto Australia next year. The Indoor Competition gets underway this weekend and plans are afoot for the Indoor Nets. More reasons to be cheerful....


Short and sweet this month – Christmas is coming and sadly I am getting fat – the sponsored slim may not be far away. Who is with me?!?


Simon Lunn

Chairman – Mobile 07791-683827   email


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