Please note that ALL Cricket Playing Subscriptions for 2021 are now due. The relevant amounts are as follows:
- Players (21 and over) £100
- Players (18-21) £60
- Players (Under 18) £50
- Players (Female) £50
- Cricket /Squash/Tennis (21 and over) £105
- Cricket/Squash/Tennis (18-21) £85
- Cricket/Squash/Tennis (Under 18) £75
Available Methods of Payment:
- Via the Benwell Hill App.
- Via Benwell Hill Cricket Club Bank Account - Sort Code 30-19-54, Account Number 00362728, Ref. Subs
- By cheque made payable to Benwell Hill Cricket Club and posted to Hon Treasurer,Benwell Hill Cricket Club, Denton Bank, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 7EU
Please note a small number of players kindly paid a full subscription in 2020 as opposed to the Covid reduced rate to help the Club financially. If you are one of those individuals you are entitled to pay half the 2021 rate if you so wish. Please let the Hon.Treasurer know if you fall into this category – Laurence Dawson email:
Administratively and Financially It would be enormously helpful if ALL SENIOR Players would pay their subscriptions by Friday April 9th at the latest. Players will be ineligible to represent the Club in 2021 in the NEPL or the WTL if their dues have not been paid.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club will take place on the evening of Tuesday April 6th at 7.00pm. This unique event will be held on Zoom courtesy of Mark Wright and if you would like to attend please inform the Secretary Keith Shaw by email:
If you are unable to attend the AGM but wish to become involved in the running of the Club please get in contact with me. In fact if you have anything to offer – ideas/time/cash – or have any questions re the above please ring me on 07791-683827 or email:
Simon Lunn
BHCC Chairman