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Junior Update from Barry Pearson

Junior Update from Barry Pearson

28 Dec 2020

Junior Supremo Barry Pearson has put together the following newsletter updating our junior members and their parents of the continued impact of the Covid pandemic on our usual winter training programmes.


With the realistic hope that the vaccination programme for the Covid pandemic will be ramped up in the New Year, we can only keep our fingers crossed so that if all goes well, we will be able to start the 2021 season as usual in April. However, with the current situation as it is with the strong possibility of further lockdowns and tier regulations in on the horizon early next year, it is going to be difficult to hold our usual winter training sessions for both Juniors and Seniors in February and March. Schools are understandably reluctant to commit to booking sessions at this stage, but we will continue to ask the question to try and organise something if things change for the better and will let you know if anything develops.


In these difficult times, we have had some fantastic news in that through Sponsorship organised by Jim Robinson and other kind donations, we will be able to organise Benwell Hill Junior clothing so that our talented cricketers can look the part for the 2021 season. This was planned for last season, but other events rather took over. The exact details are currently being looked at, but we will keep you updated as this develops soon.


In case anyone isn’t aware, I would like to draw your attention to the 2020 Benwell Hill CC Review of the Season that is currently available to look at on the Club website. It is an excellent read that has been put together by Scott Williamson and features reports from all Senior Captains, Junior Team Managers and other distinguished Benwell Hill people. In the unfortunate absence of the Junior Presentation Night this year, Players of the Year and other awards for 2020 will be announced in the New Year.


On behalf of all the Coaches at Benwell Hill, I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas and that we can all meet up again soon in 2021.


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