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Message to all Juniors and Junior parents

Message to all Juniors and Junior parents

3 May 2020

On behalf of the Board and the General Committee of Benwell Hill a message to say hello and to wish you all well at this difficult time. We are living through the weirdest of times and it is tough when you look out of the window and the sun is shining and we should all be playing cricket!


We clearly have no idea when this Lockdown will end but rest assured as soon as it does we will do our utmost to make sure some Junior Cricket is played on the ground this summer. Barry Pearson BHCC Junior Coordinator and BHCC Director of Cricket Kyle Coetzer are already scoping what might be possible -this may come in the form of Summer Camps and/or in organising some friendly fixtures both within and without the Club but one way or another please keep your eye on the website for further information.


One of our newer Juniors Barney Peel aged 9 lives two doors away from me and his Mum was telling me he has been practising hard in the garden and is making real progress. I was really encouraged by that – it is the secret to becoming a good player – practise really does make perfect (or nearly anyway). Barney has been using the techniques taught to him by the winter coaches Barry/Kyle/James/Rory/Jim/Andy and co and that is definitely the way forward.


Don Bradman became the greatest player of all time because he worked at the game for hours on his own when he was a child. Google him and see for yourselves how he went about it.


Try not to drive your parents too mad and see if you can make a difference round the house – you know it makes sense!


In the normal course of events we would be meeting up next Tuesday for the first coaching session of the season – sadly that is not the case but we very much look forward to seeing you on the field later this spring/summer.


Very best wishes


Simon Lunn



email:  tel 07791 -683827


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