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New benches commemorate the contributions of Stewart Allen, Harold Lakey, Lenny McKinnell, Fenwick Marley and Bill Watts

New benches commemorate the contributions of Stewart Allen, Harold Lakey, Lenny McKinnell, Fenwick Marley and Bill Watts

24 Jul 2023

It was a washout of a weekend for BHCC with all games cancelled. However, on a far more positive note there was a memorable gathering in the Club House on Sunday morning to sincerely thank those that have donated the five new benches that adorn the front of the Club House.


The great men of Benwell Hill CC past who have been recognized are Harold Lakey, Lenny Mckinnell, Bill Watts, Stewart Allen and Fenwick Marley. All five made huge contributions to the Club whether on the field or off. We are forever in their debt.


A variety of individuals made short speeches and Martin Avery was on hand to capture the occasion for posterity. Thanks are also due to Janice Mussett Catering and Phil Haves for ensuring the Club looked in top order.


Finally, a big thank you is due to Club President Tom Williamson who led on this initiative....Tom first played with Harold in 1926 (!) when he was a tearaway fast bowler.


A full copy of the photos from the event are available from here from Martin Avery Photography, a selection is also shown below.





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